There are many flaws in the way our State and our Nation does business on a daily basis. Recently Marty Toohey wrote an article, City Misses Deadline to Receive $400,000 in Low-Income Assistance, that demonstrates the flaws of bureaucracy and big government. The city of Austin was in line to receive $600,000 for weatherizing Low-income homes. However, due to a complex and drawn out checks and balances process, the lack of a quick response doctrine to act on matters of urgency and significant miscommunication and lack of integration between the cities different departments the money was lost.
It is about time for the State and the cities inside the State start behaving as they promised. All government organizations should be streamlined and have in place a quick response doctrine for both emergencies such as natural disasters and fiscal concerns that are on a short time line. So that emergencies can be addressed efficiently and effectively in the quickest amount of time possible. I also propose that each department hires a liaison, whose sole job is to facilitate communication between the departments so that issues like those addressed in “City Misses Deadline to Receive $400,000 in Low-income Assistance” will not occur again.
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