Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Proposition 2 is not the right answer.

In response to Use Common Sense, not lobby sense, on Prop 2, by Brailyn. I whole heartily agree with her that giving a metaphorical blank check to the water industry without voter oversight is a bad idea. In doing so we would be allowing the water industry to build whatever they choose, when ever they choose. Granted they would have to contend with zoning laws and land use restrictions, but is that really enough? I think not. The corporate world has a bad record of taking government monies for granted and inflating the costs of conducting business to a ridiculous number. For instance in my industry, the average mark up on body armor sold to the US military is 4 times a 100% profit on each piece of armor. That while good for the business involved, drains our government coffers of money that could be put to use in other areas of concern, like education. Again like Brailyn, I do see the need to invest in our water supply infrastructure. However, Proposition 2 is not the correct answer in my opinion. I would be behind a one time credit of 6 billion dollars, assuming that every penny spent is accounted for and that the cost of each project is audited to ensure that we, the citizens of Texas, are not paying 400% of what it costs for the companies to build their projects and still receive a reasonable return. Unfortunately, 51% of the voters yesterday are either more trusting than I am or did not fully consider the risk involved in passing this proposition and it has been approved.

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